
Every kool project has a dot-rc (runtime configuration) file, so it goes without saying ctr also has one. Aside from the “coolness” factor the .ctrrc.yml the file can be an extremely powerful aid to help localize global settings and variables. Implementation is as simple as can be; create a .ctrrc.yml file in the root directory of the project and everything else is taken care of. While the primary purpose for the dot-rc file is to set global ctr options such as the hover duration and or the default ease function, global variables can also be defined in the .ctrrc.yml which is handy for YAML centric implementations.


Example Configuration

Description: This is an example configuration with the available global options and their set defaults.


## Variables can be referenced in ctr instances
background: '#eee'
text: '#555'
## Sets "new" default options
## ---------------------------- ##
## Animation defaults
## ---------------------------- ##
duration: 0.5s
ease: cubic-bezier(0.420, 0.000, 0.580, 1.000)
delay: 0s
count: 1
direction: normal
mode: none
state: running
## ---------------------------- ##
## Transition and State defaults,
## all use the same syntax as transitionDefault
## ---------------------------- ##
duration: 0.5s
ease: cubic-bezier(0.420, 0.000, 0.580, 1.000)
delay: 0s
# transition: inherits from transitionDefualt
# hover: inherits from transitionDefualt
# active: inherits from transitionDefualt
# focus: inherits from transitionDefualt
# visited: inherits from transitionDefualt
# link: inherits from transitionDefualt
# customState: inherits from transitionDefualt
## ---------------------------- ##
## Media query defaults
## ---------------------------- ##
xs: 400px
sm: 600px
md: 800px
lg: 1050px
hd: 1800px
## ---------------------------- ##
## Grid defaults
## ---------------------------- ##
flexbox: true
gutter: 30px
rtl: false
## ---------------------------- ##
## Responsive Type defaults
## ---------------------------- ##
rootSize: 16px
minSize: 12px
maxSize: 21px
# Defaults to the first and last property of media
minWidth: null
maxWidth: null
minSize: 3px
maxSize: 10px
# Defaults to the first and last property of media
minWidth: null
maxWidth: null
minSize: 1rem
maxSize: 2rem
# Defaults to the first and last property of media
minWidth: null
maxWidth: null
## --------------------------------------------- ##
## Global options control the inner workings of ctr
## --------------------------------------------- ##
## ---------------------------- ##
## style specific options
## ---------------------------- ##
# animationShorthand: To use animation property shorthand syntax
animationShorthand: false
# checkLocally: Check for global option properties within the root of every ctr instance
checkLocally: true
# classLock: Lock all class styles, so that they can not be overwritten or altered unless specifically specified
classLock: false
# doubleColon: All applicable pseudo-elements should use double colon syntax, rather than single colon syntax
doubleColon: true
# editColor: The default color for the edit helper
editColor: rgba(0,0,255,0.1)
# errorSuppress: Suppress all ctr errors
errorSuppress: false
# processBy: How ctr process the instance, refer to docs - basic/processing
# possible values: 'level' 'order'
processBy: level
# processMedia: Process media queries
processMedia: true
# processStyle: Process CSS property styles
processStyle: true
# processMedia: Process animation timeline @keyframes
processTimeline: true
# queueAnimation: Place the generation of animation timeline @keyframes styles at the end of the queue, to be processed after the main styles
queueAnimation: true
# queueMedia: Place the generation of media query styles at the end of the queue, to be processed after the main styles
queueMedia: true
# sort: The sorting source order for generated CSS
# possible values: 'len', '-len', 'abc', '-abc', false
# Docs: basic/general/#sort-order
sort: len
# stateOmitList: States that should not generate transition properties
stateOmitList: [link, visited, optional, required, valid]
# transitionOmitList: Values that should not generate transition properties
transitionOmitList: [content, postion, cursor, display, clear]
# transitionShorthand: To use transition property shorthand syntax
transitionShorthand: false
## ---------------------------- ##
## process specific options
## ---------------------------- ##
# comment: Custom comment for write method
comment: false
# commentFile: Included ctr source file path in comment
commentFile: true
# duplicateCSS: Allow for duplication of exact CSS styles
duplicateCSS: false
# localVariableUpdate: Allow local variable sibling reference. Default value is true for Stylus but not for Javascript because, well, your in Javascript
# Docs: variable/general/#localVariableUpdate
localVariableUpdate: true
# memoize: Memoize results internally
memoize: true
# privateVariable: Allow the use of private local variables, ie _<var>_. Default value is true for Stylus but not for Javascript
# Docs: variable/general/#privateVariable
privateVariable: true
# propertyReplace: Allow the use of property replacement. Default value is true for Stylus but not for Javascript
# Docs: variable/general/#propertyReplace
propertyReplace: true
# rcPath: .ctrrc location path, by default it searches the root dir
rcPath: false
# requireWatch: requireWatch Function for ctr-loader
requireWatch: false